Making mistakes as related to Hypno- psychotherapy
It may seem counterintuitive but making mistakes is good. This can be a major tool in self-development and therapy itself.
Consider this quote from George Bernard Shaw, ” A life spent making mistakes. is more useful than a life spent doing nothing” Important too to know the difference between doing nothing and having nothing to do.
So it is about taking risks and when that happens then mistakes are made. This creates a learning opportunity for how to do things better. Not only that but making your own mistakes tailor makes the opportunity for your own learning. In that sense, it is best to make as many mistakes as possible because then you will learn more that way.
So learn from mistakes don’t dwell on them. Once the learning is truly done then you can move on. Remember that learning is painful but not to learn is even more painful as the same mistakes will be repeated.
So it is to say that being objective about this means that you don’t see anything in terms of success or failure, good or bad. You see everything in terms of what you learn from it. There is a famous saying that, “Nothing succeeds like failure and nothing fails like success”.
It helps to learn to be humorous about your mistakes too as you can see them more objectively. Like Jim Morrison the singer,” Some of my worse mistakes have been haircuts.” So very relevant in a time of lockdown and perhaps having to do your own hair. But next time maybe you can do it better and it may even evolve into a style that you like. A further quote from Oscar Wilde, “Most people die of a creeping common sense and discover when it is too late that the only things you never regret are your mistakes”.
So in a more global sense, it is about finding your own way of doing things. It is about being yourself. It is about taking risks which means mistakes will be made. It’s making your mark on the world rather than sticking to doing things in the accepted way. So not being unduly influenced by what others think of you and knowing that in a sense you are enough in yourself. If you want to live up to other’s expectations then perhaps they underestimate you and you don’t accomplish what you are capable of. So apply the above to life in general as well as self-development and therapy.